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Code of Ethics

Rules of Professional Conduct


The Law firm Gorodissky & Partners, Ltd. (G&P) provides services in the field of intellectual property in Russia and other countries. It receives assignments from the clients from many countries of the world. G&P as a legal entity, and every individual patent/trademark attorney and lawyer employed by G&P have special responsibility to the clients for rendering high quality services to every client. G&P and every individual patent/trademark attorney and lawyer (hereinafter referred to collectively or separately as "professionals" or "professional") act on the basis of the Russian Law on Patent Attorneys (even though not every professional may be a patent/trademark attorney) and on the basis of other relevant laws and regulations.

Every G&P professional has a technical or legal background or both. Every assignment entrusted by a client to G&P goes to the professional who is best suited to undertake the assignment with consideration for his professional competence and skills. As advisor, the professional provides a client with competent advice on the situation with the client's IP and explains to him the facts based on the applicable law and possible implications as a consequence of choosing different options. Being a patent/trademark attorney or a lawyer every G&P professional strongly defends the client's position against possible negative decisions of the Patent Office, other government bodies or the courts, or actions by infringers, or persons whose interests are adverse to those of the client. In all his actions the professional abides by the laws and regulations relevant to the case and bona fide practices.

In the performance of his assignment the professional should study the case in depth, exercise due diligence and comply with the instructions of the clients within the reasonably short terms.

The professional should keep confidential the information he receives from the client and not share it with his other clients or his colleagues unless solution of a particular problem dictates taking advice from his other colleagues.

The professional should constantly enhance his competence beyond the particular assignment of the client.

Client-Professional Relationship

G&P renders services to the clients on the basis of a contract as required by the Russian law. The provisions of the contract though not burdensome for the client may be further negotiated.

A professional shall provide competent representation to the client. Competent representation requires the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness and preparation reasonably necessary for the representation.

A professional shall abide by the client's assignments concerning the objectives of representation and shall consult with the client as to the means by which they are to be pursued. The professional however shall not counsel the client in a way which would lead to actions contrary to the law.

A professional shall keep the client reasonably informed about the status of the matter and inform him as soon as new information comes to hand.

A professional shall explain the matter to the client to the extent reasonably necessary to permit the client to make informed decisions regarding the representation.


G&P and its professionals render services to the clients on the basis of a Schedule of Fees which may be amended from time to time.

The G&P professionals shall charge reasonable expenses. The expenses include Official fees, other disbursements and professionals' fees based on the market situation in Russia. While billing the client the professional shall act on the basis of the Official fees, his hourly fees established by G&P in its Schedule of Fees, or on the basis of a flat fee or contingency as may be agreed with client in writing.

Some advice not involving time consuming work may be given to the client on a courtesy basis.

A professional may inform the client in advance of the expected expenses in connection with the representation however the final amount in the invoice may somewhat differ from the amount quoted initially because it is not possible to predict the kind of circumstances which may intervene in the course of performing the assignment.

Any changes of the Schedule of Fees shall be communicated to the client well in advance.

Depending on the assignment G&P may suggest a most cost effective approach. If the assignment concerns different aspects of the matter requiring knowledge in various fields of law or technology several G&P professionals may participate in the solution of the matter / advising the client and the invoices may include items of each of them.

G&P normally issues invoices after performing an assignment however it may ask for an advance payment for service and expenses at its discretion.

The client may negotiate individual arrangements for invoicing.

Confidentiality of Information Received from Client or Generated by Professional

A professional shall not disclose information relating to the representation of a client unless the client gives informed consent, a limited disclosure is impliedly authorized in order to carry out the representation before the Patent Office, other government bodies or the courts. Disclosure of information by the professional is admissible to the extent required by performance of the representation before the relevant body.

Though every effort shall be made by G&P and its professionals to avoid unauthorized disclosure of information G&P shall have insurance coverage to cover possible unauthorized disclosure of confidential information of the client causing damage to him.

Conflict of Interest:

G&P and its professionals (other employees included) are guided in their activities by the Russian Law on Patent Attorneys. The said law prohibits a professional to accept an assignment if he represents or advises persons whose interests contradict the interests of his client unless both sides approve such representation.

G&P takes a broader view of the conflict of interest and shall not represent a client if his instructions may go against the interests of another client even though such representation is not prohibited by law.

Notwithstanding the existence of a concurrent conflict of interest as outlined above a professional may represent a client if:

After obtaining written approval from both clients the professional reasonably believes that he will be able to provide competent and diligent representation to each of the clients, e.g. arrange for an amicable agreement, etc., acting in fact as a third party neutral. G&P does not believe that there is a conflict of interest if both allegedly conflicting clients are represented in different areas, such as patents or trademarks; or, only registration of a patent or a trademark takes place, though individual approach to such situations is also possible.

In no case a professional may disclose information to a client relating to the representation of another client.

G&P may receive in trust monies owed to a client. Upon receiving funds in which the client has an interest, a professional shall promptly notify the client. G&P shall promptly deliver to the client any funds that the client is entitled to receive.

G&P Obligation

The G&P Managing Partner, other partners and professionals who individually or together with other professionals possess managerial authority in G&P shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that G&P has in effect measures giving sufficient assurance that all G&P professionals and other staff conform to the present Rules of Professional Conduct and to the Anti-Corruption Policy of G&P.


It is professional misconduct for any G&P employee to violate the present Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so; or, state or imply an ability to influence improperly the Patent Office or another government agency or official, or to achieve results by means that violate the present Rules of Professional Conduct or other law.